7 digital marketing trends to stay ahead of the curve

Let’s take a look at what Forbes Agency Council has to say about which 7 digital marketing trends are expected to be needle movers this year and how marketeers can best leverage them to keep that all important competitive edge.

Starting with Virtual and Augmented reality transforming the way we interact with the digital and physical worlds. Sectors benefiting from VR and AR technologies include gaming, retail, navigation, education, healthcare, industrial maintenance and tourism and travel.

Artificial Intelligence or AI empowers marketers to make data-driven decisions, automate tasks, and create more personalized and relevant experiences for customers, ultimately leading to improved customer engagement and business results.

Voice search involves tailoring your digital content and strategy to accommodate the way people naturally speak when using voice assistants e.g. to search on your website.

Personalisation means tailoring your strategies, content, and offerings to individual users or segments based on their preferences, behaviour, and characteristics to increase your engagement and conversion rates. Often AI and machine learning play a significant role in leveraging data to drive insights, predictions, and informed decision-making.

Influencer Marketing where businesses collaborate with individuals who have a strong and engaged following on social media. These individuals, known as influencers, can help sway the opinions and purchasing decisions of their audience.

Transparency and authenticity require a commitment to aligning actions with words and fostering genuine connections with customers. When consumers feel they can trust a brand’s intentions and information, they are more likely to engage, make purchases, and become loyal advocates.

The Rise Of Short-Form Video reflects the evolving preferences of digital consumers for fast, engaging, and visually appealing content.

Read more.


Why is conversational marketing important?

Conversational Marketing is a method of engaging with web visitors and converting leads via dialogue-driven activities.

Conversational Marketing is particularly powerful for complex or high-involvement purchases, such as financial products, telecoms, cars, and even luxury travel.

Here are a few tips to bear in mind:

  1. Select Relevant Channels: Choose platforms where your audience is active, like your website and messaging apps.
  2. Implement Chatbots: Integrate chatbots for quick responses and data collection.
  3. Personalise Messages: Tailor interactions to each user’s preferences for a more engaging experience.
  4. Engage in Real-Time: Respond promptly to user inquiries to show you value their time.
  5. Deliver Value: Share useful content and product recommendations during conversations.
  6. Segment and Target: Divide your audience into groups and send targeted messages.
  7. Guide Leads: Assist leads through their journey with relevant information.
  8. Collect Feedback: Encourage user feedback to improve your approach.
  9. Integrate with your CRM: Connect conversational tools with your CRM for streamlined follow-up.

Learn more in Whisbi’s Complete Guide to Conversational Marketing


Digital Communication and Marketing 2.0 – Join our training !

Training in Digital Communication and Marketing 2.0

In the dynamic landscape of business and marketing, staying ahead of the curve is essential. Our “Digital Communication and Marketing 2.0” training program is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in this rapidly evolving digital era. This program delves into the latest trends in marketing and corporate communication, offering invaluable insights into the transformations witnessed over the past five years.

Key Objectives:

At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:

  1. Analyze Evolving Trends: Understand the changes observed over the last five years in the main fields of marketing and corporate communication. Explore the shifting paradigms and emerging strategies that have reshaped the industry.
  2. Mastering the 2.0 Concept: Grasp the origins and implications of the 2.0 concept, spanning business management, marketing, communication, and stakeholder engagement. Digital media and social networks will be highlighted for their central role in accelerating change.
  3. Practical Application: Acquire a toolkit of tools and methodologies that enable quick and efficient learning within your respective professional environment. Gain practical skills that empower you to navigate the digital landscape effectively.

Whether you’re a marketing professional, business manager, or communication specialist, this training program is tailored to enhance your expertise and keep you at the forefront of the digital revolution. Join us to discover the strategies and insights that will drive success in the era of Digital Communication and Marketing 2.0.


Interested in these topics? Then register for the training course on 7 & 8 December 2023 at 8.30am. The training session will be conducted in English.

Find all the details about the course below.



At the end of this training, the participant will be able to:


Target audience

Using SEO to improve your natural search.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a crucial digital marketing strategy that focuses on improving the visibility and ranking of your website in organic (non-paid) search engine results. By optimising your website and its content, you can attract more relevant traffic, increase brand awareness, and drive conversions.

SEO Tips

Here are some steps to improve your natural search through SEO:

1. Keyword Research: Identify relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience is likely to use when searching for products, services, or information related to your business. Use keyword research tools to gather insights and prioritize keywords with high search volume and low competition.

2. On-Page Optimization:

3. Quality Content Creation: Develop high-quality, informative, and engaging content that addresses the needs and interests of your target audience. Regularly update your website with fresh content, such as blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and more.

4. Mobile-Friendly and Responsive Design: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and optimized for various devices, as Google considers mobile compatibility a ranking factor.

5. Page Load Speed: Improve the loading speed of your website by optimizing images, minimizing code, and utilizing browser caching. A faster website provides a better user experience and can positively impact rankings.

6. Secure and Accessible Website: Implement HTTPS to ensure a secure browsing experience for users. Also, make sure your website is accessible to people with disabilities by following web accessibility guidelines.

7. Backlink Building: Acquire high-quality backlinks from reputable and relevant websites. Backlinks signal to search engines that your content is valuable and authoritative.

8. Social Signals: While the direct impact of social media on SEO is debated, a strong social presence can indirectly contribute to improved search rankings by increasing brand visibility and engagement.

9. Local SEO: If you have a physical presence, optimise your website for local searches by creating and optimising Google My Business listings, local citations, and obtaining positive reviews.

10. Technical SEO:

11. Monitor and Analyze: Regularly monitor your website’s performance using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Track keyword rankings, organic traffic, user behaviour, and other relevant metrics to identify areas for improvement.

Remember that SEO is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring, adjustment, and adaptation to stay competitive in search engine rankings.

To find out more join our training course

Learn more and join our training course in French on 20 October at the House of Training.
More details and registration link can be found here.


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