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Most Luxembourg companies need to take advantage of trading internationally to reach a larger customer base. Luxembourg exports over 60% of its production and more than 50% to neighbouring countries. It is therefore no surprise that Luxembourg ranks up with the best in terms of trade openness securing #1 place for the most open economy in the world in 2020 by the World Bank ahead of Hong Kong and Singapore.

The Enterprise European Network (EEN) set up by the European commission comprises 600 organisations in 60 countries offering help to SMEs wishing to develop internationally, particularly through contact with potential future partners.

The international affairs division of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce actively supports Luxembourg companies during their entry or expansion into foreign markets. This includes tailor-made guidance to target new markets, leveraging available market intelligence and networking opportunities. Also organising a series of missions and trade fairs to help companies meet new business partners.

Selling internationally does not need to be complicated. Download the Chamber’s practical guide covering the important things you need to be aware of such as:

  • Developing a strategy for internationalisation
  • Available tools
  • Opportunities and challenges
  • Export regulations
  • Financing channels
  • International support network

You can download the guide in English or French

Naturally using online channels to sell internationally will inevitably be part of your strategy so don’t miss our comprehensive guide to launching an e-commerce business in Luxembourg.

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